“Gwenevere, watch where you’re jumping!” he shouted. “Goddam it!” He
began to rise. The cat froze. She set her claws into the carpet and locked eyes
with Matthew… before ripping across the floor like a defiant funny car,
disappearing into the bedroom.
Eliza laughed, “Matthew, would you like me to order you a new cat
online? Perhaps one with better manners –“
“No – Eliza, that won’t be necessary. I’m not upgrading my cat!” The lights
in the kitchen switched on as he stomped in and grabbed a towel. After using the
towel like a mop, he threw it back into the kitchen through the look-through. He
was able to catch most of the water, which had pooled on the leather upholstery,
saving the electronic inner workings. But a big wet circle remained just below his
“Eliza, “ Matthew continued to dab at his darkened pants. “Access my
account at New Orleans Bank and Trust. Make sure and disguise your IP
address with proxy servers,” Matthew sat back down in his chair. “Put on some
alternative rock, please”
“Okay, Matthew.” Her image shrunk down to fill just the right corner, and
his familiar Linux, Gnome desktop appeared. A musical beat began to dance
from the walls.
Eliza was Matthew’s creation. He had actually spent the last six years
developing her and had named her after a program from the 1960s. The original
Eliza had been designed by Professor Weizenbaum of MIT and was meant to be
a digital psychiatrist. That Eliza ran amok with her test patients, though, who
actually formed an emotional addiction to the talking machine. Weizenbaum
pulled the plug on his Eliza and wrote a book warning others.
The new Eliza was different, however. Lacking the tremendous computing
muscle required to power Eliza’s neural network brain, Matthew had turned to
the Internet and covertly borrowed computer time from the great supercomputers
of industry, education and government, all conveniently connected to the Net. He
had taught her how to hack into these great fortresses to grab a few thousand
gigaflops compute cycles here, a few dozen terabytes storage there, her “being”