RBT: .001 USD


I helped to invent Bitcoin in Santa Barbara in 2007, specifically a decentralized file system called Blockchain, and there are people who are trying to murder me. So far they have murdered my mother, step father and most recently my business partner and good friend, Gonsalo Acuna. They have made 5 attempts to assassinate me, most recently, they attacked me physically using a new weapon called an SOS that did damage to my internal organs. I have tried to warn the president of Mexico, but whoever is trying to kill me, is paying the police of Mexico, my new home, to follow me everywhere that I go 24/7. All of you hardcore Bitcoiners can "fake-toshi" me all you want, kill me off, make memes and the like, but I may not be around much longer to help you if you do. This is very serious, and Bill Gates and others are gunning hard to take over Bitcoin. I could help our movement to survive, if I can just figure out how to survive myself! Anyone who tries directly to assist me gets harassed, destroyed and murdered. I am hoping that this website, set up and running in Hong Kong, and decentralized finance will help to save my life. Thank you for whatever assistance you can provide, and please be careful if you do wish to assist me.

Hello, my name is Mark Williamson. You have probably never heard of me, but I am the most heavily surveilled human being on our planet, perhaps in human history. I thought that since the NSA, CIA, US Air Force, NRO, Bill Gates, George W. Bush, the entire Hermosillo and Sonora state police forces and various government insiders, as well as local narco traffickers, know exactly where I am and what I am doing, so should all of you!

That is why I made this website and the crypto token, RabbitTrack, to increase awareness and perhaps turn the tide of my life towards a more happy and peaceful existence. Unfortunately, the people who I least want following me and knowing what I am doing have extraordinary fidelity in the details of my life, whereas, the people who I MOST want knowing who I really am and what I am doing, the people in my community and the world at large, have no idea who I am.

I am the man who helped to launch the information age and helped the US military to dominate modern combat. Right now I am starting a revolution in physics with Flow Theory. You can learn about that on ResearchGate and elsewhere by reading my technical science papers. I am also building a new Latin America military to unite and strengthen security in this part of the world. You may read about my life and plans to build a better world on my personal website, https://possibilityof.com. Further information is available about my local circumstances including the cold blooded murder of my business partner and good friend, Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna, at https://sonoragob.com.

Right now the police of Sonora, known as PEI Policia, and Hermosillo, Policia Municipal, maintain a lockstep surveillance over me in which I am followed en mass everywhere that I go in and around Hermosillo. Now, however, with this website, we can all watch them, while they are watching me! Please, send me your videos or video links to the following: over email to mark@solarsnap.com, over Whatsapp/Telegram +52 (662) 200-2018, on X @chirpfortech, and on Facebook Messenger @themarkofpossibility. I will post all legit media here on this China served website.

These local police were hired by Bill Gates and George W. Bush who came to town and started throwing around their "Big Gringo Dollars" in an attempt to take over. Their objectives are simple: steal Bitcoin and then upgrade it to eCoin. You can read the whitepaper here written by someone who goes by the name Michael Martinez. We have launched an implementation of eCoin at https://ecoin.news. They are also attempting to steal gravity manipulation technlogy I am also inventing and patenting around a new scientific framework I am developing called Flow Theory. The HyperDrive invention which is featured at https://hyperdrive.works actually bends gravity which had been considered by physicists, until now, as being immutable and untouchable.

How they hope to steal these inventions is using their tired formula of attacking the real inventor and then wearing them down. They hope to surround and smother me with police, with the intention to scare me into running away or wait until I will commit a crime and then legitimately jail me. This is also the new form of slavery in this age of total information availability. Using these police to surround me while secretly sabotaging any attempts that I make to earn a living and maintain a normal life, I am kept in a sort of virtual cage where I can be controlled and eventually forced to go back to work for them.

They have attacked my business, SolarSnap, and murdered my business partner and tried to jail me by falsely accusing me of crimes. So far I have beaten all 7 of the fraudulent civil and criminal cases brought against me, so they harass me by sending the police to follow me everywhere. They have declared it illegal for me to breath and be alive unless I conform and work only for them. When I leave my home, I am not followed by one or two police cars, I blanketed with as many as 15 police vehicles. Therefore, if you want to know were all the police in Hermosillo are located, simply pull up the track of me on this website. If I am out and about, the police are probably likely fairly thin elsewhere in Hermosillo and mostly in close proximity to my moving map location.

In brief, HyperDrive takes advantage of concepts that I have developed in Flow Theory and is capable of bending time and gravity for the first time in human history. Details about this discovery and the conspiracy to steal this invention as well as the science behind it are located at the forgoing, PossibilityOf and HyperDrive, websites. Bush lured Elon Musk to Texas in 2020 in an attempt to illegally lease my invention to Musk until he fled the scene on 25 February 2023 after my group warned him. Musk promptly gathered his family, boarded his personal jet and took a straight line to Yucatan Mexico. The NSA/CIA then hacked the flight records and Bush used his powers to rewrite the FAA private jet tracking laws. FEEL FREE TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

Musk then hastily decided to build "the largest Tesla plant in the world" in Mexico, contacted the Mexican president and toured Monterey with the governor looking for a safe place to live. HyperDrive is my invention as I have made numerous patent filings beginning in March of 2020, AS MUSK NOW KNOWS. It is worth noting that Bush is now angry with Musk as he committed roughly $200 billion USD to Musk and his companies. This explains the shocking run up in Tesla valuation during the 2020 - 2022 window, going from $14 per share in 2020 to nearly $400 by the end of 2021! Nothing significant happened otherwise with the company during that period. Now Musk wants his bonus for this "amazing performance" and Bush wants a refund.

eCoin is based on my previous work on Bitcoin, as the basic concept of the Blockchain came from a decentralized file system that I was developing in Santa Barbara back in 2007, where I donated this idea to work being done by Hal Finney and this database design then became blockchain. Blockchain was then merged with Finney's cryptographic work to become Bitcoin. As Finney subsequently passed away, was likely murdered by my estimation, and I was forced to seek refuge in Mexico, this developmental project was never finished, hence the lingering dead elephant in the room, the Bitcoin scalability issue.

Recently, I returned to finish this cryptocurrency loose end and launched eCoin. Bill Gates quickly stole my eCoin patent off the wire and then solicited the assistance of Michael Saylor, an apparent Bitcoin advocate, similar to how Bush used Musk, in an effort to introduce numbered peers into Bitcoin. If you are up to speed on what is going on with Bitcoin, this is the Orange ID being touted by Saylor as "a really good idea" (Saylor's words), while not actually siting idea source. Saylor likely believes that this was Gate's idea, however, I am the source of this idea, and their hope that it is going to lead to solving the scalability issue with Bitcoin. I can prove this assertion through two patent filing that I made, beginning in May of 2020.

Mr. Saylor, if you are reading this, Microsoft is no longer cool in the tech industry. I think that Rain Man said it best: KMart sucks! Microsoft stopped being cool about the time Ubuntu Linux started giving away free CDs of this versatile and reliable operating system. That was almost 20 years ago. Microsoft, too, sucks! If you get used by the oligarchs, when they spring their trap and all this goes down on Bitcoin, you are going to look like you are with the bad guys. I suggest that you find out where that "good idea" came from before you invest yourself further into Gates and his little schemes.

Knowing all of this one could perhaps surmise why they want to put me in jail! If I survive and can get Musk or Saylor to come forward and tell the truth, these two men, George W. Bush and Bill Gates, will be destroyed, and Americans will at long last have retribution for 911 and other atrocities committed by these two tyrants.

I have another solution to get at the truth. If you join eCoin, research my history, and then use your DNA ID signature to validate various parts of my story using the DNA keychain (the new eCoin protocol uses something called the keychain instead of blockchain), then we can collectively define what is truth by constructing a digital "agreement reality" together. Details will be available in August 2024 at https://possibilityof.com.

Invest in our collective future by obtaining the cryptocurrency RabbitTrack, available now on the Solana blockchain and kindly take care in what you say about me. I would appreciate it if you would take a bit of time and dig into the truth about myself, Hal Finney, the American CIA, George W. Bush and Bill Gates. What are they really up to and what is really happening with presidential candidate Donald Trump? HE IS NOT A FRIEND OF BITCOIN. I am sorry if that sounds disappointing to some of you. Sometimes things really are too good to be true, and Trump's assertions to help us are based on wanting to carry out a plan and conspiracy to overthrow the independence of Bitcoin. He is working directly with Bill Gates and George W. Bush.

Good luck to the true Americans among us, whether they by be from Latin America, the United States, Canada or the world at large. We are one, and we are connected through our decentralized finance bond of the DNA keychain and the many DeFi projects, including Bitcoin, Etherium, Solana and many others being built to empower our world and financial freedom!

I do not have 1/2 Sol to make the RabbitTrack coin right now on mainnet. I made a testnet coin as RabbitTrack which is just a TESTNET TOKEN. You can buy this by placing Sol in my wallet address. I know that there are a lot of scams and rug pulls, especially on Solana. I am a real person and this is not a scam. I will post any payments that I receive against the TEST COIN here (this may take me up to 24 hours). When I have enough Sol I will deploy the coin properly on the mainnet and send this RabbitTrack token to the wallets who contributed. I am pricing it at .001 USD per token. This would assume a liquidity of $1000 USD against the 1 million tokens. For $10 USD you will receive 10,000 RabbitTrack token. I can only offer you the word of an unknown person, myself.

This was my idea and plan that I came up with to attempt to survive. It has been very, very difficult for me to survive and have enough to eat. I have shelter at SolarSnap, but they sabotage every attempt I make to build my business, including breaking in when I am gone and destroying my attempts to manufacture lithium batteries, solar panels, etc. This was the only way that I could virtually guarantee that no one gets hurt, as they will directly go after and murder anyone who gives me money, food, clothing, etc, consistently more than one or two times. I am tired of watching my friends and family get hurt. Therefore, I shall only be accepting anonymous assistance, who will mostly be strangers to me. You are welcome to try, but if you friend me on Facebook, they may DELETE YOUR ENTIRE FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. This has happened several times already. I will attempt to check regularly for anonymous messages. The safest methods to communicate with me are probably through X and Telegram. ASSUME THAT IF YOU SEND ME A MESSAGE USING ANY METHOD THAT THEY WILL READ IT.

RabbitTrack TESTNET:
Supply: 1,000,000 tokens
Liquidity: 0
Retained by myself: 100,000


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