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A Letter to the News Media

BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN INVENTOR SPEAKS OUT: Dangerous American political party on the rise and being led by Donald Trump on behalf of George W. Bush


Donald Trump is the Modern Day Adolf Hitler

There are so many parallels to Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler that it boggles my mind.


Trump Pensylvania Shooting: A Fake Assassination Attempt?

Was this event a likely set up by Bush to keep his number one candidate from going to jail?


My Story and the Origins of Bitcoin, Updated November 2024

Currently, Bill Gates is attempting a worldwide coup over Bitcion using Michael Saylor as his patsy and my patent pending ideas.


We Live on An Unprotected Island within a Vast Galaxy

Our dear planet Earth shall no longer be a limiting context for the entirety of our realm of existence, for humankind, as we venture forth into the sea of blackness of outer-space and encounter other such islands.


Breaking Bad Habbits

If you knew someone was involved in organized crime you would probably avoid getting to know his wife, but, well, sometimes, things just seem to happen.


God as Singularity

2000 words on God within a scientific perspective


I Present: Gravity Control

With the Mexican circus trial against me rapidly approaching, for having done absolutely nothing wrong except refusing to assist an expresident, I resolved to find and solve the impossible problem


MEXICO: We must now halt the advance of the American lead pretext for invasion of our nation

Americans must not be manipulated into an unwanted invasion of their neighbor.


I Hate Autoindent

Automated features do not help when you are typing 80 words per minute


REGEN: The future of life extension

The human life span has the potential to be increased infinitely. The human body is a machine that has evolved naturally over millions of years. All machines, no matter their complexity, have the potential for modification and upgrade.


AI Threat Briefing

It is well known by many higher intelligence entities that smart machines pose a grave threat to life. By definition a smart machine is a machine designed to do the work of an intelligent being, by being one of the following: faster, smarter or simply for


Letter to Elon Musk

Important information


Elon Musk Travels in His Jet to Merida Mexico Amid Gravity Control Controversy

Why did Elon Musk travel in his jet to Mexico on 25 February 2023, and what does this have to do with allegations of an attempted gravity control technology theft?


Dear United States, I would like to see other countries

After serving my country well, I have decided to diversify my geographical interests



George W. Bush has profited immensely by his Afghanistan conflict inspired extravaganza. The useless 20 year war in Afghanistan has driven his offshore bank accounts to ever higher heights as the American tax payers have uploaded extraordinary funds


Overview of My Security Systems Living Under a Crushing Dictatorship

As the intellectual property that I am developing was designed to stop this destruction of our civil liberties, it is too valuable for me to simply allow anyone to steal these ideas


Who Was I?

Besides problem solving I have, for as long as I can remember, had the ability to look at a person and see into their past lives.


Who Murdered Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna?

Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna generously assisted ME Williamson and was subsequently murdered by the American Olygarchy


The Quora Debacle

In my enthusiasm to share my new invention I posted research to a popular Internet website. I was soon attacked, called a crank, fool, spammer and liar


Flow Theory: Going Beyond Modern Approximations of Gravity

Theoretical Physics for the 21st Century


George W. Bush & William Gates Team Up to Steal Gravity

Since causing the financial melt down of 2009 and other atrocities in the United States and the world at large, George W Bush has been looking for some way to redeem himself and ...
