It first occurred to me on the day of this event that Donald Trump was in fact a victim of a conspiracy to limit him and to rob him of his potentials to become president once again. Although, I am fundamentally against this man for ideological reasons, and having lived and worked around the CIA, NSA and NRO for my entire life, I know that the powers do pull strings and take people out from time to time using carefully controlled assets.
The shooter, an obvious asset, for numerous reasons, which I will attempt to explain, was being prepared and guided by a handler. This was obvious to me from day one, as it was to many others, even the less "conspiracy minded" working in the media. He was not a young man at liberty to decline an order to participate in this conspiracy and had been predestined to be sacrificed for someone else's greater cause. My condolences and sympathy to his family.
I will pause here for a moment to introduce a concept that the reader may not be aware of, and that is that Donald Trump is also not a man at liberty to decline his orders and he too has a controller. This controller is George W. Bush. In 2010 Bush took a much more aggressive stance and lead role in shaping and directly controlling the CIA. This was in the wake of the Occupy Movement which I helped he and two top members of the NSA start. That is another story which I have told in other places on this blog site. However, it is important and relevant to understand the shadow players who are really calling the shots in American politics today. Today, we have two shadow governments. Shadow government number one, controlled by the Rockefellers, George Soros and others. Shadow government number two, run by someone new to this genre of leadership systems, is George W. Bush.
Donald Trump is not in charge of things and if you really believe that he is some kind of special breed of Maverick who independently stood up to take the bull by the horns and finally go after the fake news and deep state, I have a bridge I can sell you at a good price.
There is nothing new, innovative or ground breaking about Donald Trump. He is as deep state as they come. IMHO, he is a shyster from New York who was selected by George W. Bush to carry forward his 911 overthrow of the United States government and the American way of life. Bush is the obsessive compulsive impulse behind Project 2025, the total nazification of America, and the winder of the key on the back of Donald Trump. This is George's game and he is deadly serious about the absolute and complete overthrow of the American way of life. He has at least two back up candidates if things don't work out with Trump, DeSantis and Kennedy.
But Trump is the lead horse for the Bushling and he has at his disposal now the entire array of assets and tools of the American CIA. It is for this reason that I have concluded that the Pennsylvania shooting was an inside job carried out with the cooperation of Mr. Trump. My primary reason for drawing this conclusion is that there is absolutely no way that Bush would not know about an assassination attempt upon his number one candidate being carried out by the CIA on this day. Bush is firmly in charge of the CIA and works closely with the NSA for up-to-the-minute intelligence on what are the goings on of anyone and everyone of importance to he and his Texas crony cabinet.
It would literally be impossible for an asset to be deployed, setup and be given all of the obvious support from local law enforcement, a sharp shooter to take out this unfortunate patsy, the living witness to the conspiracy, and the numerous other details required to pull this off. ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THAT BUSH WOULD NOT FIND OUT ABOUT THIS COMPLEX AND NOISY CONSPIRACY.
Let's look at the timing of this event.
The shooting closely proceeded the Republican National Convention, occurring just two days later. More importantly Trump, being attacked by shadow government number 1 and having been convicted of 34 felony counts, was facing SENTENCING, yes fair people this is true they are attacking the New Yorkster. This could have had staggering consequences on the outcome of the presidential race. New York could literally, physically take control of this man and slam him down on his head. But, now, no judge wants to touch the hero who shook his fist in defiance with blood streaming down his face from his nipped ear.
The only evidence I have found of the reality of this near miss, grazing event, is this one photo which, miraculously, captures a whizzing bullet somewhere in proximity to Trump's head. This cannot, however, be the bullet that grazed him. Why? In studying the video, at the exact moment when this photo was taken, it quickly becomes apparent that at this exact moment Trump was reaching for his ear. Yet, the bullet is too close to his head for his body position, ergo his hand to have been drawn approximately 15 cm upwards towards his ear and the grimace beginning to appear on his face after having allegedly been struck by a passing bullet.
The muzzle velocity would be roughly 2800 feet per second for this AR style rifle. With a speed reduction of 5 FPS for every meter traveled, this would yield a bullet velocity of roughly 2000 FPS at the point of contact, and likely using crappy shooting range quality bullet stock. Therefore, the 1 meter travel distance as depicted in the foregoing photo would have taken only 0.0015 seconds. That is 1.5 one thousandths of a second or 1.5 milliseconds. Imagine a 1/100th of a second, now imagine 1/1000 of a second. His brain would not have even registered a bullet whizzing by his ear, nor any pain, let alone moving his hand 15 cm, which would take at least 1/10th of a second or 67 times longer than 1.5 milliseconds. Therefore, the photo is off by roughly a factor of 100, in these parallel time velocities. The photo could be showing a different bullet, apparently 8 bullets were fired towards Trump, or it could be a Photoshop bullet.
I have two other issues with this image. One is the perfect, clear background with no bleachers, spectators or the American flag. I studied this and the other images but I am not entirely sure if this is all wrong or not. The wires in the corner add authenticity, but could have been added. The other thing I don't like is the perfect blue sky with what appears to be a digitally gradiated background. Those blues seem awful perfect to me. Again, I am not certain of this, but it looks off to me.
Let's back up for a moment.
There is no way that Bush could not have known about this conspiracy. Absolutely no way. He would have gotten his candidate out of there and never allowed his favorite proxy leader to be exposed to so much risk. Further, he would have exposed the conspirators and used this conspiracy to attack shadow government number 1 through their leader, Biden. Bottom line: Bush would never have allowed Trump to see any real danger.
If this be so, then no bullets ever came close to Trump. If no bullets ever came close to Trump.. BTW 135 meters is hardly a sharp shot. I have CIA assassination training from real Texas, CIA sourced teacher using similar long range, scoped riffles. After just a few weeks of training, 9 out of 10 times I can hit a coffee can at 300 meters with cross wind conditions. This was a nothing shot with a scope. Unless this guy was a first day beginner, which he was not, there is no way that he would miss that many times, even if the lucky Trump had coincidentally rotated his head
at just the right moment. One, even slightly trained, cannot repeatedly miss someone's head at 135 meters eight consecutive times with a scope in an almost ideal prone shooting position. A human head pretty much fills the entire scope at 100 meters.
Therefore, Trump was never targeted. So where did the blood come from?

Trump , just as the shooting began
If you watch any one of numerous, available videos, you will see him grab and flick his right hand across his ear. Could he have employed a hidden razor that he deployed and used after the shots began? The ear flick appears to occur at the time of the second shot. That would have been his queue.
Perhaps he knew that he was never in any real danger, and was free to act confidently in shaking his fist in the air against the shooter-patsy/fake-news/deep state meanies.
The secret service could not stop him from getting up and making the defiant gesture at perhaps this well scripted, choreographed and execute moment, our hero, for we the grovelling masses. Trump is not exactly a first tier actor, and it shows.

Trump appearing on Lex Fridman Podcast on September 3, 2024.
After just 6 weeks of being shot, his ear looks to have healed quite substantially.
If you will recall there was another similar event by another likely asset taking place in 2016, when a man attempted to grab a security officer's gun at a rally outside of Las Vegas. One could research the potential benefits of that event in favor of Trump as well.
The question to me, and if you are wise in these matters, is not, was this person an asset sent by one of the competing camps? The question most pertinent is which camp sent the crazy, fake lone assassin slave to the president's day show? I think it would be a bit obvious, and we have the sentencing coming up, so that pretty much cancels shadow government #1. Plus, the center piece of the apparent show is not dead. In fact he came out smelling like a rose.
So much drama and carnage, with deep and breathless patriotism churning about and bubbling over the sides in this cauldron of excitement and drama! Kinda feels a bit like 911 doesn't it? Maybe that is because the same man is attempting to redefine politics in America by engineering dramatic event to inspire hate and violence against boogie men who we will never see or capture. Bush is desperate to regain control of the White House, and he likely plans to make his fourth trip to the big show and into the highest office a real doozy.
Term #1, three skyscrapers were downed in New York (don't forget Building 7 in your count). Term #2, the financial melt down real estate collapse in America. In the last term, that would be Bush presidential term #3, we had a worldwide pandemic that killed over 3 million people (according to WHO data). How could he possibly top that, and what do we have in store for us in a term #4?
I say, watch out America. This one seems to bring tragedy and mayhem everywhere that he goes.