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BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN INVENTOR SPEAKS OUT: Dangerous American political party on the rise and being led by Donald Trump on behalf of George W. Bush
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BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN INVENTOR SPEAKS OUT: Dangerous American political party on the rise and being led by Donald Trump on behalf of George W. Bush
There are so many parallels to Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler that it boggles my mind.
Was this event a likely set up by Bush to keep his number one candidate from going to jail?
If you knew someone was involved in organized crime you would probably avoid getting to know his wife, but, well, sometimes, things just seem to happen.
Americans must not be manipulated into an unwanted invasion of their neighbor.
Why did Elon Musk travel in his jet to Mexico on 25 February 2023, and what does this have to do with allegations of an attempted gravity control technology theft?
Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna generously assisted ME Williamson and was subsequently murdered by the American Olygarchy
Since causing the financial melt down of 2009 and other atrocities in the United States and the world at large, George W Bush has been looking for some way to redeem himself and ...